Ahmed Hulusi Website



1. Muscles contract to create movement
Break down and grow back stronger and shapelier.

2. Bones bear additional weight
Collect calcium and become stronger and denser.

3. Oxygen delivered via lungs to bloodstream
Red blood count and skin tone improves.

4. Healthy new cells are created and old ones are eliminated
Toxic wastes in old cells are removed from the body more quickly.

5. Neurotransmitters release mood-altering chemicals
Blocks pain, regulates sleep, stimulates libido and improves bonding.

6. Heart beats faster to deliver oxygen to cells
Becomes stronger and more richly populated with new blood vessels.

7. Fat stores are metabolized for extra energy
Fat tissue is burned off to reveal shapely underlying muscles.

8. Heat produced from exercise is released by sweating
Unclogs pores and expels heavy metal toxins plus disease-producing virus and bacteria.

9. Thirst, digestion and bowels are stimulated
Liver and kidneys filter and remove remaining bodily toxins.

10. Happy, healthy, disease-resisting person is produced and maintained!


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