Dr. Deepak Chopra prescribes 10 simple rules

1. Intake fresh food, eat

2. Maintain a high level of personal hygiene, get plenty of fresh air, sunlight and rest

3. Exercise, meditate, practice balanced

4. Work for a happy marriage, long-term relationship, have ability

5. Choose a congenial occupation, go on vacation every year, be optimistic about the future, feel financially secure

6. Develop an easygoing personality, cultivate nonviolent behavior

7. Live in temperate climate, enjoy a reasonable sex life, and get proper medical attention in case of illness.
8. Live in the present – accept what comes your way, appreciate it, learn from it and let go. Resisting the natural flow of things causes

9. Relinquish external approval, avoid being judgmental, replace

10. Always know the world outside is a reflection of your deeper intelligence – the real “you” is within.
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